A Guide to Discord Bots
Time-based Events
If you are interested in executing a part of code in x seconds or each x seconds, see Timeouts/Intervals (Timers).
Here, we will talk about events happening at a specific date or time, and we will use the Moment package.
Install with: npm i moment
With timezones support: npm i moment-timezone
The basics
const moment = require('moment');
// Current time
// Example: April 25th, 02:06 PM
console.log('Current date and time: ' + moment().format('MMMM Do') + ', '
+ moment().format('hh:mm a');
// Current UTC time
// Example: April 25th, 12:06 AM
console.log('Current date and time (UTC): ' + moment().utc().format('MMMM Do') + ', '
+ moment().utc().format('hh:mm a');
// Tomorrow
// Example: April 26 2018
console.log('Tomorrow is: ' + moment().add(1, 'day').format('MMMM D YYYY');
// Yesterday
// Example: April 24 2018
console.log('Tomorrow is: ' + moment().substract(1, 'day').format('MMMM D YYYY');
// And much more
Storing time objects
const moment = require('moment');
// seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year
// .format() turns the time object into a string
var savedTime = moment.utc().format('ssmmHHDDMMYYYY');
fs.writeFileSync('file.txt', savedTime);
// First argument: the date to parse (a string)
// Second argument: the format it uses
var restoredTime = moment.utc(fs.readFileSync('file.txt'), 'ssmmHHDDMMYYYY');
Time differences
const moment = require('moment');
// For example, you can c
let diff = moment.utc().add(10, 'minutes').diff(moment.utc(), 'seconds');
console.log(diff); // 600 (seconds, = 10 minutes)
// Don't put this in the loop, or it will be endless
timeout = moment.utc().add(2, 'minutes');
var loop = setInterval(() => {
let diff = timeout.diff(moment.utc(), 'seconds');
if (diff <= 0) {
console.log('2 minutes have elapsed');
}, 1000);