A Guide to Discord Bots
Custom & Animated Emojis
Now this is something that not everyone know about, but it can make your bot unique.
Your bot can use any emoji, even animated ones, from any server it is in.
Note: custom emojis are stored by their IDs at the following URLs: https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/EMOJI\_ID_HERE.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/EMOJI\_ID_HERE.gif (animated emojis only)
Discord & Unicode Emojis
client.on('ready', () => {
// Nothing special, users can do it too
let channel = client.guilds.get('guild_id').channels.get('channel_id');
channel.send('A Unicode emoji: \:thumbsup:' +
'\nA Discord emoji: :thumbsup:');
Custom Emojis
First, select a custom emoji and send it with a \
before it, like with Unicode emojis.
Then, paste it into your code.
client.on('ready', () => {
// Custom emojis are made like this:
// <:name:ID>
// If animated:
// <a:name:ID>
let channel = client.guilds.get('guild_id').channels.get('channel_id');
channel.send('A custom emoji: <:Heart:301014681663832065>' +
'\nA custom **animated** emoji: <a:mop:428629994126704652>');
Getting IDs easily
If you don't have nitro, you can't send animated emojis to check their ID...
Good thing you have a bot!
client.on('ready', () => {
// Custom emojis are made like this:
// <:name:ID>
// If animated:
// <a:name:ID>
// Getting all emojis from a server
client.guilds.get('guild_id').emojis.forEach(emoji => console.log(emoji.animated ? '<a:' + emoji.name + ':' + emoji.id + '>' : '<:' + emoji.name + ':' + emoji.id + '>'));
// A fancier way
let static = [], animated = [];
client.guilds.get('guild_id').emojis.forEach(emoji => emoji.animated ? animated.push([emoji.id, emoji.name]) : static.push([emoji.id, emoji.name]));
console.log('Static Emojis\n');
static.forEach(emoji => console.log('<:' + emoji[1] + ':' + emoji[0] + '>'));
console.log('\nAnimated Emojis\n');
animated.forEach(emoji => console.log('<a:' + emoji[1] + ':' + emoji[0] + '>'));
// You can copy/paste the emojis you want into your code
// It will not work if you paste them into Discord
Now, you can just make server only for your bot, and put emojis in them! Enjoy ^.^