A Guide to Discord Bots

Prefix & More Commands


A prefix is something that you attach before every command.
Most bots have one, it helps to reduce RAM usage and you can have multiple bots with the sames commands, but a different prefix.
In this book, I'll use the prefix *.

Let's implement it into our code:

client.on('message', message => {
  if (message.channel.type != 'text' || message.author.bot || !message.startsWith('*'))

  if (message.content === '*ping') {

The startsWith() method.
!message.startsWith('*') will make sure the bot ignores the message if it doesn't start with our prefix.
I also edited the condition to check if the message is *ping.

More commands

Let's add a *say command!
This command will make the bot say what we want. Simple, right?

client.on('message', message => {
  if (message.channel.type != 'text' || message.author.bot || !message.startsWith('*'))

  if (message.content === '*ping') {

  else if (message.content === '*say') {


Let's test it!
... It only answers with *say when I type *say and does nothing else... why?

Because your bot is checking if the message is exactly *say.
To fix that, we can use, as seen earlier, message.content.startsWith('*say');.
It works! ...almost.
It still answers with *say + what you typed.

One solution could be:

else if (message.content.startsWith('*say')) {
    /* this will make sure the person didn't just type '*say',
       but something like '*say hi'... */
    if (!message.content.includes(' '))

    /* ...or else this would make your bot crash.
      this will only remove the first '*say ' found */
    message.channel.send(message.content.replace('*say ', '');

Of course, we don't necessarily need the check, because we could find a better solution, but the reason why I included it is because we can make the bot answer with the command's syntax.
Example: Syntax: *say <message>.

If...else if...else if...switch?

Having multiple else if statements is not really a bad thing, but you might be interesting in using a switch instead.
If you have many else if, using a switch statement is often faster.
Note: you'll need a better way to determine which command was used.

let command = message.content.split(' ')[0].slice(1);
/* message.content: '*say hello world'
   message.content.split(' '): ['*say', 'hello', 'world']
   message.content.split(' ')[0]: '*say'
   message.content.split(' ')[0].slice(1): 'say'

// Arguments will be useful in the next part
let args = message.content.replace('*' + command, '').trim();

switch (command) {
  case 'ping':
    break; /* <- don't forget this!
    If you don't put it, it will execute the next command too */

  case 'pong':
    // You don't need brackets inside a switch

  case 'say': {
    // But you can use them to avoid a conflict between let statements
    let sentence = message.content.replace(command, '').trim();
    message.delete(); /* not obligatory,
    don't forget you can customize your commands :) */

  case 'test': {
    /* 'let sentence' is not already defined, because we put brackets
       in the previous command */
    let sentence = 'brackets are useful';
    break; /* <- useless for the last command, but as you add more,
    you might forget to add it*/

trim() will remove whitespaces from the left and the right of the given string.
You can alternatively use trimLeft() or trimRight(), but trim() is more common.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""